Team Roster
#1 Seth Whitehead
#2 Kaden North
#3 Evan Perepolkin
#5 Beynon Smart
#6 Jared Popoff
#7 Dustin Perepolkin
#9 Brian Martin
#10 Alex Teneycke
#11 Alex Forshaw
#13 Colton Hauge
#15 Eric Reid
#19 Ryley Lockhurst
#22 Reece Whitehead
Jackson Cousins
Trenton Winters
Player recruitment for the 2021 continues as we still have a few spots left on our roster. Interested in playing for us? Contact the team at [email protected] for more information.
Team Staff
Peter Younblut - Head Coach
Kevin Floyd - Asst Coach
Tyler Landry - Asst Coach
Rob Van Beek - Asst Coach
Matt Anderson - Asst Coach
Steven Martin - Team Manager